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Live fast. Die never.

Nach 145 Jahren Angst und Schrecken wird der blut- rünstige Vampir Angelus 1898 mit einem Fluch belegt: Einer Seele. Fortan nennt er sich Angel und tut Büße für die Sünden seiner eigenen Vergangenheit. Im Jahr 1999 geht er nach Los Angeles, um sich auf seinen Kampf gegen das Böse zu konzentrieren.

Dort unterstützen ihn Cordelia, Wesley und Gunn in seiner Detektei namens "Angel Investigations". Später stößt auch die entführte Fred zur Truppe, und sogar Spike verirrt sich in Angels Terrain.

Episode 16 «   » Episode 18

Angel 1.17 (017)

Für immer jung

Drehbuch: Tracy Stern Regie: Regis B Kimble
Premiere DE:25.04.2001 
Premiere USA:


Quoten DE:unbekannt 
Quoten USA:unbekannt 

Die berühmte Schauspielerin Rebecca engagiert Angel als Beschützer. Doch als sie druch Zufall entdeckt, dass Angel ein Vampir ist, wird sie von der Idee Unsterblich zu sein fasziniert. Sie will den Angelus aus Angel herauslocken und gibt ihm sogenannte "Glückspillen".

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[The episode starts from a black screen.]
Wesley: We're doomed.
Angel: Maybe we can make a break for it.
Wesley: Impossible.
Angel: Front exit?
Wesley: We'd be spotted instantly.
Angel: Back door?
Wesley: Blocked.
Angel: That's it, then. We're trapped.
Wesley: We could try shouting fire... [seats in a theater are shown] It's not technically a crowded theater.
Cordelia: [performing Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House" on stage] 'One day, I might, yes. Many years from now, when I've lost my looks a little. Do not laugh.'
Wesley: [checks his watch] Only another hour.
Cordelia: 'I mean of course, a time will come when Torvald is not... is not...' ..Line??
Prompter: [whispers] 'is not as devoted to me'.
Wesley: Perhaps two.
Cordelia: What??
Prompter: [whispers] 'is not as devoted to me'.
Cordelia: 'is not as devoted to me.' [adds dramatic sob]
Angel: And I thought I knew Eternity.

Angel: I'm not what you think.
Rebecca: You're not? Because... no reflection, dark private office, instantly knowing those letters weren't written in blood... I guess what I would think is "vampire".
Angel: Then again…
Rebecca: Which is impossible. Bela Lugosi, Gary Oldman, they're vampires.
Angel: Frank Langella was the only performance I believed, but...
Rebecca: This is real. You're real. Do you drink blood?
Angel: Yeah. But not human.
Rebecca: You're not a killer.
Angel: I gave that up.
Rebecca: Well, there's a support group for everything in this town, I guess.

Rebecca: A season and a half off the air and suddenly I'm nobody again.
Angel: [holding up some tabloids] Not according to these.
Rebecca: According to those, I've slept with Ernest Borgnine and I'm bulimic.
Angel: I hear Borgnine's a very skilled lover.

[Rebecca wants Angel's help to protect her]
Angel: I can't take your case.
Cordelia: [from the outer office] Are you insane?!

[Angelus is in vamp face, talking to Rebecca Lowell.]
Angelus: Tell you what, I'll torture you for a few unbelievably long hours, then you can you tell me if this is the lifestyle for you.

Angelus: They always mistake me for the character I play! They never see the real me!

Rebecca: You're just trying to scare me.
Angelus: Is it working?

[After a drug-induced few hours as Angelus, Angel wakes up chained to his bed.]
Cordelia: Are you still evil?
Angel [sighs]: I'm so sorry.
Cordelia [skeptical]: Could I get another reading on that line, please?
Wesley: It was the drugs. Couldn't be helped. Things were said, it's true, but I think it's best if we simply put it behind us. Move on.
Angel: Thank you.
Wesley: You walk a fine line, Angel. I don't envy you.
[Among Angelus' dastardly deeds was a savage, if accurate, critique of Cordelia's acting.]
Angel: Cordelia —
Cordelia: OK, here's something I never thought I would say to you: Wesley's right. Forget about it.
Angel: But I really didn't mean —
Cordelia: Yes, you did. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to weasel out of it. Angelus may not be the most relaxing company, but at least he's honest. Shouldn't I expect the same from the not-evil version of my friends?
Angel: So, we're OK, then?
Cordelia: I'm way too big of a person to let something so petty get in the way of our friendship.
Angel: I appreciate that. [a pause] You're not gonna untie me, are you?
Cordelia: Pfft! [she exits]
Angel: Wesley? Cordelia? Guys? [cut to credits]

Tamara Gorski (Rebecca Lowell)
Michael Mantell (Oliver Simon)
Robin Meyers (Masseurin)

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