Firefly 1.10 (010)
In den Fängen des Shanyou War Stories
Drehbuch: Cheryl Cain
Regie: James Contner
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BOOK: Yes, I'd forgotten you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now. Got your next heist planned?
SIMON: No. But I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.
MAL: Ah, the pitter patter of tiny feet and huge combat boots. SHUT UP!!!
WASH: And they grew into a big tree, and they all climbed up the tree into a magical land with unicorns and a harp.
JAYNE: Grenades cost extra.
ZOE: Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?
WASH: You're pretty much down to ritual suicide, lambie-toes.
WASH: I am a large, semi-muscular man. I can take it.
SIMON: You are my beautiful sister.
RIVER: I threw up on your bed.
SIMON: Yep. Definitely my sister.
JAYNE: I'll be in my bunk.
WASH: I can't stand the thought of something happening that might cause you two to come back with another thrilling tale of bonding and adventure.
WASH: Hey, I've been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.
WASH: Now I'm learning about scary.
WASH: I don't want you to spare me, Mal. If you think you know what's happening, then you tell me. You wouldn't spare Zoe if she were in this situation with you, would you? You would be planning, and plotting and... possibly scheming. So whatever Zoe would do in this instance is what I wanna do. Do you know why? No matter how ugly it gets, you two always come back with the stories. So... I'm Zoe. Now, what do I do?
MAL: Probably not talk quite so much.
WASH: Once in flight school, I was laconic.
WASH: I mean, I'm the one she swore to love, honor and obey.
MAL: Listen... She swore to obey?
WASH: You she obeys! She obeys you! There's obeying going on right under my nose!
WASH: He's insane.
ZOE: (about Niska) I know it.
WASH: I mean... you've told the damn stories. Saved you in the war. But I... I didn't know...
ZOE: You mean Mal?
WASH: (nods) He's crazy.
JAYNE: Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine.
WASH: Bastard's not gonna get days.
SIMON: Well, it's a clean cut. With the right equipment, I should be able to reattach it. That's assuming there's a head.
MAL: We're starting a book club?
WASH: Grenades?
ZOE: Oh, yes. Thank you, dear.
ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?
BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.
NISKA: You died, Mr. Reynolds.
MAL: Seemed like the thing to do.
JAYNE: Smellin' a lot of "if" comin' off this plan.
ZOE: Okay, people... If it moves, shoot it.
KAYLEE: Unless it's the Captain!
ZOE: Unless it's the Captain.
MAL: You want to meet the real me now?
RIVER: No power in the 'verse can stop me.
MAL: Haven't you killed me enough for one day?
ZOE: This is something the Captain has to do for himself.
MAL: No! No, it's not!
WASH: Mmm. Wife soup.
MAL: I know it's a difficult mission... but you and I... have to get it on.
ZOE: Alright... Take me, sir. Take me hard.
JAYNE: Well that's all kinds of unsettling.
Michael Fairman (Niska)
Johnny Shakespeare (Torture Victim)
Jason Van (Man)
Adam Pilver (Vanilla Husband)
Michael Bentt (Viktor)
John Dunn (Torturer)
Rolando Molina (Black Market Buyer)
Katherine Kendall (Councilor)
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Alles shiny, Captain
Die Serenity ist ein Raumschiff der Klasse Firefly und ist das Zuhause der Kriegsveteranen Captain Mal Reynolds und Zoë Washburne. Zoës Ehe- mann und Pilot Wash hält die Serenity mit Mechanikerin Kaylee in der Luft. Da man nur auf illegalem Wege an genug Geld gelangt ohne der Allianz und den zentralen Planeten zu nahe zu kommen, wurde Jayne als schlag- kräftiger Verhandlungspartner angestellt. Auch Inara er- öffnet der Crew als lizensier- te Prostituierte (Companion) spezielle Möglichkeiten.
Auf dem Planeten Persephone heißt man den Arzt Simon Tam und Shepherd Book auf dem Schiff willkommen. Erst als die Serenity wieder abhebt bemerkt man, dass Simon seine Schwester River, ein verwirrtes und hochge- fährliches Mädchen, auf das Schiff geschmuggelt hat.
Das Schicksal der Serie
Mit Firefly hat Joss Whedon im Jahr 2002 seine dritte Serie der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Und wer sich trotz SciFi- oder Weltraum-Scheu zum Einschalten durchringen konnte, wurde reich belohnt. Nicht umsonst bewerten 80 % aller IMDB-User Firefly mit 10 von 10 Punkten.
Die Zuschauer wussten bei der Erstausstrahlung aber leider noch nichts von ihrem Glück und ignorierten die Serie. FOX zog die Notbremse und stellte die Serie nach 14 produzierten Episoden ein. Jahrelange Fanproteste und starke DVD-Verkäufe sorgten schließlich für den Kinofilm Serenity, in dem das gleichnamige Raumschiff noch einmal starten durfte.